Fuel Contamination - Answers
February 14, 2025
Is your diesel having issues starting up? Do you hear a knocking noise? Is there blue colored smoke coming from your engine? Don't ingore the signs, those could all be signs of engine failure. One of the leading issues that lead to diesel engine failure is fuel contamination. Fuel contamination comes in different forms, but always has the same result - engine trouble and fuel system failures. Here’s what you need to know about fuel contamination with diesel trucks, from Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ.
How Stop and Go Traffic Affects Your Transmission
February 12, 2025
At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, transmissions are our specialty. That means knowing how they work, how they wear out, what wears them out, and how to fix it. In this article, we’ll explore the way stop and go traffic affects your transmission.
Common Problems with Belts and Hoses
February 10, 2025
Your vehicle's belts and hoses are essential to the cooling, air conditioning and charging systems, and the engine. Don’t take these routine replacement intervals for granted because they can break down and leave you stranded.What is the purpose and importance of your belts and hoses? The timing belt keeps the crankshaft and camshaft mechanically synchronized to maintain engine timing. Whether serpentine, V-belt, or fan belt (the belts on the outside of the engine), they all transmit power from the front of the engine to accessories that need to be driven, such as the air conditioning, the charging system, and fans. Radiator and heater hoses carry coolant to and from the engine, radiator, and heater core.
Catch the Warning Signs on Your Fleet Vehicles
February 7, 2025
At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we service all types of fleet vehicles and see many of the same problems come through the door again and again. Here are some easy early warning signs from our team here at Elite Auto Service, that signal your fleet vehicles are in need of maintenance soon. 
Trouble Shifting? Sounds Like Transmission Issues!
February 5, 2025
Your transmission suddenly isn’t shifting right. So what’s wrong with it? Do you need your transmission rebuilt? Good question. Unfortunately, the answer is: No one knows. At least, not yet. To find out what’s causing your transmission problem, a technician is going to have to perform a series of tests. Basically, these tests are designed to answer the simple question: “Is it inside or outside?” That is, is the problem inside the transmission, or in one of the many control systems that operate the transmission?
How to Maintain Your Engine
February 3, 2025
The fuel system is an integral aspect of any combustion engine, but it’s particularly important on diesel trucks. Your Ford, Dodge, or Chevrolet pickup requires a perfectly functioning fuel system, devoid of buildup, leaks, and debris, to provide you with the most powerful and efficient engine performance possible. At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we understand that fuel system flushing is an essential process in maintaining a properly functioning engine.
How To Know If Your Synchronizers Are Faulty
January 31, 2025
At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, our mechanics have diagnosed and repaired every transmission problem in the book. We’d like to pass some of our knowledge along to you, in order to help you understand your transmission a little better. Here, we discuss the synchronizers in your manual transmission, and how to know if one of yours is faulty.
Proper Tire Care is a Must for Commercial Vehicles
January 29, 2025
Two things matter when mounting new tires on your truck or commercial vehicle. First, you want it done right. Second, you want it done fast. For both, Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ has you covered.
When is it Time to Test Your Vehicle's Battery?
January 27, 2025
Chances are you don’t pay much attention to your vehicle’s battery until it dies, when you get to perform the dreary dual task of waiting for a jump while simultaneously calling for an appointment to get a new battery fitted. Of course, that’s if you’re sure it’s the battery that’s dead in the first place. The only way to be certain is to take it in to be tested. However, it generally helps to know the health of your vehicle battery prior to finding yourself stranded.

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