While fleet trucks and vehicles tend to persist as some of the more simplistic vehicles on the road, the modernization and computerization of the automotive world has not left them untouched. These days, everything is equipped with computer systems, sensors, modules, and more. At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, our professional technicians have the knowledge, equipment, and ability necessary to provide the accurate and vital diagnostics required to keep your fleet on the road.
Your vehicle's engine needs clean air to burn the fuel – and it needs a lot of clean air. In fact, a typical vehicle needs about 216,000 gallons of air for every tank of gas. All that air passes through a filter that catches the dust and dirt. Eventually, the filter gets completely full, and because the filter can only hold so much, dirt starts getting through. At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, we ensure you get the best air quality in your vehicle and explain the process of where this dirty air is going to our area drivers.
If your transmission is slipping, what are your options? As you’ve seen, a variety of issues can cause a transmission to slip. Likewise, repairs differ widely depending on the issue. Here are some steps you should take to make sure your repair is as simple and cost-effective as possible.
If you drive a car, truck, or SUV that runs on gasoline, there's a good chance you’ve run it low on fuel a few times (or more than a few times,) and maybe even run out of gas completely a time or two. At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we like to provide information applicable to you. Running a vehicle low on fuel is something we’re all guilty of, and most of us don’t think twice about it. But, can it be bad for your car?
At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, we change many tires that should’ve been replaced long ago. Your tires can go for miles and miles, but there always comes a time to replace them. So how can you tell when the right time is?
If you drive a fleet or commercial vehicle, you log a lot of hours on the road. Inevitably, a flat tire is going to happen - it’s just a matter of knowing how to handle it when it does. Here’s what you need to remember, from Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ.
At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we’ve seen and diagnosed every warning light in the book. Many people ignore their check engine light, and while it isn’t advised, often get away with it. Transmission warning lights are different, however. Here's what it means and what you should do when it comes on.
At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, we understand all too well the importance of changing your oil regularly. Three to five thousand miles sounds like a lot, but it doesn’t really take that long to rack them up. The busier you are, the more you probably drive, and the more likely you are to forget it’s time to change your oil. Here are some reasons to pay attention to your oil changes, and help you better understand why oil changes are so important.
4200 Strand Avenue
| Pennsauken, NJ
(856) 486-1830
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MON-FRI | 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
SATURDAY | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM