On gas engines, the fuel delivery system is pretty simple - an electric pump draws gas from the tank, and pushes it to the injectors. Diesel systems are a little more complex. At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we like to keep you informed about what’s on your truck, how it works, and how to maintain it, so you stay reliably on the road.
Is your car, truck, or SUV experiencing transmission failure? At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we’re here to help. You have a variety of options as to how to handle your failed transmission and knowing your options will help you to make an informed decision.
The turbo on your diesel pickup is a precision engineered component. As a result, proper maintenance is essential to keeping it going strong. At tens or even hundreds of thousands of RPM, keeping everything in good shape is absolutely necessary. Fortunately, turbos don’t really require any special maintenance - they just make the maintenance you do all the more important.
If you drive a car, truck, or SUV that runs on gasoline, there's a good chance you’ve run it low on fuel a few times (or more than a few times,) and maybe even run out of gas completely a time or two. At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we like to provide information applicable to you. Running a vehicle low on fuel is something we’re all guilty of, and most of us don’t think twice about it. But, can it be bad for your car?
Can you say for certain all the tires in your fleet, or on your commercial truck, are roadworthy and ready? Proper attention to tire condition is so important, but how do you properly care for your tires? From Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, here’s what you need to know.
The interval for the tire rotation could depend on a recommendation from either the tire manufacturer or the vehicle maker. The interval is typically around 5,000 miles but could range from 3,000 to 8,000 miles. So why do tires need to be rotated and how do you know when the right time is for your vehicle?
Tires are often neglected, but easy to maintain. As long as they work, most people don’t really think about them. However, if you take care to properly maintain your vehicle and your tires, they will last much, much longer. At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we see all too often the results of poor tire maintenance, and the result is expensive new tires. Here’s what you can do to make sure you don’t become part of that statistic.
If you own or maintain a fleet or commercial truck, you are likely already familiar with the term ASE certified technician. But what does ASE mean, and why is it important? Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ has the answer.
4200 Strand Avenue
| Pennsauken, NJ
(856) 486-1830
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MON-FRI | 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
SATURDAY | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM