Vehicle Maintenance

  • Take care of it or high repair bills? Which do you prefer?

    Oil gunked up on an engine.

    We see this with our fleet customers, our regular Pennsauken car pool drivers and our diesel truck drivers so it isn't just one type of driver that ends up with a nightmare on their hands costing thousands of dollars to repair, asking about the costs of a JASPER replacement engine!  The fact is your driving habits and maintenance habits can easily avoid this issue!  6 EASY STEPS - Service, Tires, Don't Ignore Service Engine Lights, Keep it Clean & Stop Driving Crazy!

  • Take Care of Your Tires So They'll Take Care of You

    mechanic working on car tire

    There are a few things that matter when mounting new tires on your truck or commercial vehicle. First, you want it done right. Second, you want it done fast. For both, Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ has you covered. We've been trained to do it right the first time and make sure you're satisfied.

  • Take Care of Your Tires So They'll Take Care of You

    tires in a photo

    There are a few things that matter when mounting new tires on your truck or commercial vehicle. First, you want it done right. Second, you want it done fast. For both, Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ has you covered. We've been trained to do it right the first time and make sure you're satisfied.

  • Taking Proper Care of Your Transmission

    Transmission inside of vehicle

    While transmissions are extremely complicated and it takes a professional hand to work on one, taking care of the one you have isn’t difficult. At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we understand the importance of caring for your transmission properly, so that it stays in good condition for as long as possible.

  • The Best Maintenance Tips for Your Vehicle

    woman smiling on edge of car window

    At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, we know the key to making your vehicle last; good maintenance. An overwhelming percentage of the problems we see, especially the really catastrophic ones, are a result of poor maintenance. While properly maintaining a vehicle can seem a like a bit of a hassle, it is absolutely worth the payoff. Good maintenance is the only difference between a car that lasts 80,000 miles and a car that lasts 400,000 miles. Preventative maintenance and repair when a problem occurs are are your two concerns, and both will keep your car on the road far longer, if observed properly.

  • The Importance of a Clean Vehicle

    interior of a car

    Keeping the interior of your car, truck, or SUV clean and in good shape is an important part of making your vehicle last. Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken has some tips on keeping your car clean inside, and why keeping it clean matters.

  • The Importance of Brake Bleeding

    Mechanic bleeding a brake system

    If you’ve ever been in an emergency braking situation, you’re probably all too aware that the brakes are the most important safety system on your vehicle. And like many other systems in a vehicle, the brakes need regular upkeep to continue functioning properly. One way to preserve the integrity of the braking system is through brake bleeding, and while it may not be as well known as certain services like oil changes, it is a key maintenance item for a vehicle.

  • The Importance of Routine Maintenance

    mechanic working on a vehicle

    At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, we know that keeping up with required maintenance schedules is the difference between a truck that lasts a few years and a truck that stays strong for decades.

  • The value of oil changes

    oil being poured into an  engine

    At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we know that over the past decade, depending on what type of car, truck, or SUV you drive, it may seem like oil changes have gotten more expensive, and there are more options from synthetic to standard 10w/30 oil.  What kind is best for your vehicle and is the higher price worth the cost? 

  • Time to Re-Tire? Explore All The Options

    Pile of tires

    There are multiple types of tires on the market for almost every car, truck, or SUV. The type of tire you want depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you drive. Here’s a short rundown of common street tires that’ll suit your needs.

  • Time to Replace Your Diesel Engine? Let's Explore Your Options


    Whether you drive a Chevy, Dodge, or Ford diesel truck, there are a variety of options out there for a replacement engine. Depending on your truck's worth, it may depend on the type of engine and the amount of money you want to put into it. You can purchase a used, rebuilt, remanufactured, or even new diesel engine to replace your old. At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we’re here to help you choose the right one. 

  • Tips for Better Gas Mileage

    fuel gauge on a vehicle

    Your gas mileage mostly depends on what kind of car you drive; engine displacement and vehicle weight are the largest determining factors on gas mileage, and there’s not much you can do to change either of those. That doesn’t mean attempting to improve your fuel economy is a completely hopeless endeavor, however. With these tips from Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, you might be surprised how much your fuel mileage can be improved.

  • Tips for Improving the Longevity of Your Clutch

    Car clutch

    At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we’ve witnessed our fair share of burnt out and broken clutches. While clutch failure is an inevitability, there are a variety of ways to make sure yours lasts as long as possible.

  • Tips To Taking Care Of Your Vehicle

    Car Lifted

    At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, we know that the first and most important step toward keeping your car, truck, or SUV reliably on the road, is knowing how to properly care for it. Here are a few tips on how to keep your vehicle in shape.

  • Top 3 Signs Your Brakes Are Done

    car braking

    Judging by the number of near-rear-endings we witness on our morning commutes, the typical attitude toward brake maintenance appears to be, “Brakes: Don’t let them stop you!” This puzzles us because monitoring your braking system’s health is one of the most straightforward aspects of car ownership. You do have to know what to look for, though, or rather, what to listen and feel for. So let us, uh, break it down for you. Here are the top three signs that your brakes need fixing.

  • Top Questions to Ask A Mechanic, When Routine Services Are Being Preformed


    A good technician will give your car a quick inspection whenever you have maintenance performed. Fluid levels, tire condition, dashboard lights, and a variety of other items typically are briefly explored whenever you bring your vehicle in for maintenance. At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, we're good at noticing things that need repair, but the fact of the matter is that only you know your car. You know when your car feels off when its been serviced last (or that it hasn't been serviced at all,) and have at least some vague idea of what’s going on with your vehicle day to day. Here are some questions you can ask us next time you come by the shop;

  • Transmissions - the key to better fuel economy

    automatic transmission

    There have been a lot of technological advancements, and breakthroughs in efficiency to make modern cars, trucks, and SUVs so much more fuel-efficient than their counterparts. While engine design certainly plays a huge role, automatic transmissions have come a long way as well, contributing greatly to the gas mileage of your vehicle. From Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, here are some ways transmissions have changed to meet the demands of fuel efficiency.

  • Undercoating Your Truck - Why is it a Good Idea?

    truck on lift in shop At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we’re all for additions that make your trucks last longer and work better. Here’s some info on the benefits of undercoating, and why you might want to consider it for your truck.
  • Valve Adjustment are an essential part for keeping your car running

    Valves on car

    In the realm of performance engines, valve adjustments are an essential part of keeping your car running its best. When you add customization to the mix, valve timing becomes even more critical, and it’s important the technician adjusting them really knows their stuff. At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we’ve got you covered.

  • Warning - Your Transmission May Be Failing


    At Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ, we know that transmissions are witchcraft to most people. More often than not, if major damage has occurred, it’s a lot more time and cost effective to just replace the entire unit and get a fresh start. Here’s what to look out for, from Elite Auto Service in Pennsauken, NJ.

  • Jasper
  • 12 Month Warranty
  • 247towing
  • Acdelco
  • Ari Fleet
  • Asa
  • ASE
  • Aston Martin
  • Bentley
  • BF Goodrich
  • BG Products
  • Bridgestone Firestone
  • Castrol
  • Cooper Tires
  • Cummins Diesel
  • Dunlop Tires
  • Duramax Diesel
  • Element Fleet
  • Enterprise Fleet
  • EuroMag
  • Ferrari
  • Fleet Services
  • Ford Power Stroke Diesel
  • GE Capital Fleet
  • Goodyear
  • Handicap Accessible
  • Hankook Tires
  • Kelly Tires
  • Lamborgini
  • LeasePlan Fleet
  • Maserati
  • Mastercraft
  • McLaren
  • Merchants Fleet
  • Michelin
  • Mike Albert Fleet
  • Mobil
  • Motorcraft Parts
  • NAPA AutoCare Center
  • Pet Friendly
  • Toyo
  • Radiator
  • Shuttle Service
  • State of NJ
  • Sumitomo Tires
  • Uniroyal
  • Tires
  • Wifi Available
  • Welding

4200 Strand Avenue
| Pennsauken, NJ

  (856) 486-1830
  Email the Shop
  MON-FRI | 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  SATURDAY | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM